All About Rest Days


Hey Durham fitness fanatics! We all know rest days are critical to repairing our muscles and building strength… But for some of us, it’s hard to just sit still without dreaming about the gym or a nice run outside! If this sounds like you, good news! You don’t have to spend your rest days just sitting! Read the tips below from our Durham personal trainers to learn about how you can promote recovery, conditioning, and correct movement patterns on your rest days without being a couch potato.

Just remember, a lack of proper recovery days can lead to plateaus and can lead to injury! If you need some fitness motivation, come meet one of our durham personal trainer to get started today!


 “It is not how hard you train, but how well you recover.”



  1. Find a local walking trail and take 1-3 mile walk at a leisurely pace. Even a simple walk around the neighborhood will help!
  2. Make sure you eat healthy and stay hydrated on your rest days so your body can recover and feed your muscles. Protein is key!
  3. Go to bed early to allow your body the extra  rest. Sleep is when our bodies are able to rebuild and heal!
  4. Use your rest days as a time to stretch your body. You can work this into your relaxation time as you unwind with your favorite TV show
  5. Yoga is a great activity for rest days. Not only does it stretch your muscles it has also shown to have positive benefits for the mind


How do you use your rest days to recuperate and recharge? We’d love to hear!

From our personal trainers in Durham… Happy recovery!