Durham Trainer Tips: The 3 Rules of Breakfast


We all know we need to be eating breakfast, but the real question is, are we doing breakfast the right way? Read on to find out if your breakfast is working for you.


Eat a High-Quality Breakfast

Eating a “good” breakfast does not mean eating a big bagel or processed muffin. Chances are if this is what you consider a good breakfast, you’re likely going to have a hard time losing weight. During the week, make sure you are choosing whole foods that are rich in protein and fiber. Examples include omelets, oatmeal with fruit and nuts, a green smoothie with some protein powder, or an egg and avocado toast. For those of us who don’t have time to make breakfast, opt for the protein bar over the bagel.

Eat First Thing in the Morning (But Listen to Your Body) 

Some of us may have a hard time eating a full meal when we first wake up and that’s ok. Eat something small within the first hour of waking up and then eat the second half of your breakfast post-workout or just an hour later. Just get healthy food in your body– Plain and simple!

There Are No Rules When it Comes to Healthy Breakfasts

There are no rules for breakfast, as long as it’s healthy! If you wake up and you want last night’s chicken for dinner, by all means go for it! Don’t confine yourself to eggs if that’s not what you enjoy. The more vegetables and protein you can get in the morning the better!


What’s your favorite weekday breakfast? Let us know in the comments below! If you need some fitness guidance be sure and stop by our private gym in Durham!